
Blu Levante

Blu Levante for Educational

Blu Levante

"What world lies beyond this sea I don't know, but every sea has another shore, and I will arrive"


This section is dedicated to the topics of environmental education, knowledge of the natural heritage, the protection of the sea, the coastal landscape and citizenship at sea.

Blu Levante wants to help promote the development of environmental awareness, knowledge and protection of the coastal habitat, safety by sea, through learning paths created directly in the marine environment.

The objective is the achievement of patterns of behavior oriented towards the protection of the environment, life at sea, respect for natural resources and, moreover, the achievement of an identity based on the knowledge of the history and traditions and the protection of the natural heritage of the Levante coast.

Environmental education does not only mean making a greater awareness of ecosystem biodiversity accessible to young people, but also promoting a new relationship with the sea through the development of a sensitivity capable of allowing the use of marine resources in a safe and balanced way.

Contents: the educational project

The main topic of this section is the costal environment meant as the set of beaches, sediments, rocks, sea, marine organisms, villages and human settlements. It will be provided information about the beach ecosystem, the sea resources and about this coastal area. In this context, it will be essential to understand important concepts such as wealth and diversity, the man-sea relationship, life above and under the seas, all the aspects that characterize these particular environments, which require important protection.

This educational path aims to deepen knowledge and respect for the territory, raising awareness of the sustainable use of its resources, stimulating a sense of responsibility and awareness of the meaning of human actions and their repercussions on the environment.

Knowing the fauna and flora that populate the marine-coastal environment, understanding its importance and ecological role, understanding the dynamics and functioning of coastal environments, understanding the importance of a non-harmful approach to the ecosystem, represents a central element for orienting the new generations towards eco-sustainable behaviors, based on the values of responsibility and protection;

Thematic Areas: the Blu Levante itinerary for educational

  • To love to protect

    • - Becoming aware of the coastline;
    • - To know the delicate balance of the coastal habitat;
    • - The sea, a precious resource (water is a primary good);
    • Life above and under the seas;
    • - Pollution, dangers, pitfalls.
  • To love for an identity

    • - To know the villages that overlook the Riviera;
    • - Levante traditions
    • - The role of Liguria in history
    • - The sea and man.
  • To love for safety

    • - Citizens of the sea;
    • - Marine protected area of the Cinque Terre Park;
    • - Basic navigation rules
    • - Notions of meteorology
    • - Safety at sea and first aid.

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Blu Levante